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Scotland Critical Fundraising Report

The Critical Fundraising Report for Scotland – which was published in November 2017 – contains five essays and makes 28 recommendations.


Issues tackled

  1. Fundraising regulation in Scotland
    Mafe Marwick (Mafe Marwick Consultancy)     


  2. Cuts in public funding
    Mafe Marwick (Mafe Marwick Consultancy)  

  3. Number and size of charities in Scotland
    Margaret Clift (National Museums Scotland)


  4.  The fundraising profession in Scotland
    Gary Kernahan (Think Consulting Solutions)
    Jo Anderson (Scottish Association for Mental Health)   


  5. Implications of GDPR and data protection legislation
     Roy Biddle (University of Edinburgh).

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Recommendations include:

  • Because demand for fundraisers exceeds supply (there is a
    ‘candidate-short’ market), new and better recruitment
    processes and induction plans must be developed,
    providing candidate packs that give greater insight into
    roles being advertised.


  • Charities should nominate an individual or a committee to take responsibility for ensuring compliance with data protection. One of their first jobs should be to identify the lawful basis for processing activity in the GDPR, and document this.

  • Collaborations must be supported by improvements in training provision across the sector and recognition that achieving long-term financial sustainability through self-generated income requires investment. Government – national and local – can nurture this through provision of training. Funders too can play a part, by permitting funds for capacity building in their grants, thereby recognising their role in helping charities’ long-term financial resilience.

  • Because there is a lack of affordable professional development in Scotland, fundraisers in Scotland, at least in the medium term, will need to accept that the learning and development support for their charity will be limited. As a consequence, they will need to be proactive, to seek out opportunities and build their own personal brand.

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More information

  • Download the Critical Fundraising (Scotland) Report.

  • Read the press release announcing the publication of the CFR (USA) Report.

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Mafe Marwick

Task group leader


Mafe Marwick Consultancy (UK)

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