Theory of Change
How we are going to bring about change in fundraising
To bring about the change we want to see in our profession, Rogare has
developed the a Theory of Change for fundraising:
By enabling fundraisers to Ask the right questions about
Theory and
through Critical thinking,
in a mode of enquiry we call ‘Critical fundraising’,
we can establish a Critical Fundraising Network
that will engender a Culture of questioning, in which we will explore
Under-researched issues (evidence), and
Under-thought issues (theory)
leading to Better theory and Better evidence
that will close Knowledge gaps,
and, by Influencing the influencers
Embed new knowledge and thinking in professional practice
resulting in a Paradigm shift in how fundraisers use Theory and Evidence to
tackle Professional challenges.

More information
Find out more about the Theory of Change in the full report that explains the rationale behind it. This report well be available shortly.
The Theory of Change was co-created by a team of Rogare’s International Advisory panel and published in 2017. See who helped put this together.
Find out about and download our This is a Fundraising Office Manifesto