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Theory of Change Task Group

Development of the Theory of Change was initially led by a working part of Rogare’s International Advisory panel comprising:


  • Amanda Shepard, Task Group leader – consultant (UK)

  • Paul Farthing – consultant (UK)

  • Nick Mason – consultant (UK)

  • Meredith Niles – Marie Curie Cancer Care (UK)

  • Adrian Salmon – Grenzebach Glier Associates (USA/UK)


This was then submitted to a consultation with then International Advisory Panel. AP members who input to this consultation were:


  • Pamela Barden – consultant (USA)

  • Simona Biancu – ENGAGEDin (Italy)

  • Sterrin Bird – Pacific Advancement Partners (USA)

  • David Boorman – Marie Curie Cancer Care (UK)

  • Laura Boulton – Resource Alliance (UK)

  • T. Clay Buck – Smith Center for Performining Arts (USA)

  • Zoe Bunter – Lerposy Mission England and Wales (UK)

  • Jessica Burgess – Brighton and Sussex University Hospital Charity (UK)

  • Paula Dixon – Hazon Consulting (UK)

  • Carole French – Auckland Zoo (New Zealand)

  • Heather Hill – Concordia College (USA)

  • Lianne Howard-Dace – Christian Aid (UK)

  • Joe Jenkins – Save the Children (UK)

  • Cherian Koshy – Des Moines Performing Arts (USA)

  • Craig Linton – Consultant (UK)

  • Joe Matassino – independent fundraiser (USA)

  • Dusty Rhodes – Elevation Growth Partners (USA)

  • Beth Rose – Alaska Community Foundation (USA)

  • Claire Routely – Hartsook Centre for Sustainable Philanthropy (UK)

  • Adrian Salmon – Grenzebach Glier Associates (USA/UK)

  • Katharina Steinkellner – Science Museum (UK)

  • Richard Turner – consultant (UK)

  • Nathalie Veenman – KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation (Netherlands)

  • Curt Swindoll – Pursuant (USA)

  • David Walwin – Ethicall (UK)

  • Chris Washington-Sare – Pentatonic Marketing (UK)

  • Gunes Yildirim – Fundraising Okulu (Turkey)

Our Associate Members

Rogare is supported in its work by a number of Associate Members – partners to the fundraising sector that share our critical fundraising ethos. Our Associate Members are:
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